Crazylittlelovebirds link party #9

Join the party starting this Friday at 9 a.m. MST! The festivities will run through Tuesday at 11 pm MST, but hurry - we may close early if we reach our 50-participant limit. Don't miss out on the fun!

-Link up to three posts.- General family-friendly posts, Crafts, Recipes, Jewelry, and Home Decor ideas

Kindly refrain from sharing advertisements or promoting sales.

You will be entered to be featured just by linking up! 
I'd love it if you stopped by and just said Hi. :)
***I would love it if you left your entry number when commenting. Thank you! ***

Be featured at the next link party by being a chosen participant! You'll also get the chance to be showcased on my Pinterest Crazylittlelovebirds featured Board.

Joining the Crazylittlelovebirds link party grants me permission to showcase your links and images on my social media accounts, complete with a mention of your blog name and a link back to your site.