By InLinkz
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1. Margaret @ BooksPlease: The Riviera Set by Mary S Lovell
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2. Bev@My Reader's Block (And Then There Were None)
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3. Margaret @ BooksPlease: Gallows Court by Martin Edwards
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4. Summerbook #15: Paradise of the Blind
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5. Summerbook #14: Kalpa Imperial
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6. The Deep End by Julie Mulhern (Mark @ CC)
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7. Summerbook #16: Hartmann von Aue
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8. Summerbook #17: Secondhand Time
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9. Summerbook #18: Lais of Marie de France
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10. Forest of a Thousand Lanterns by Julie C. Dao
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11. Summerbook #20: The Palm-Wine Drinkard and My Life in the Bush of Ghosts