With a little extra  time  between family get togethers in Massachusetts  last week, Roger and I decided to return to Rockport for the afternoon.  We visited last summer and enjoyed the vibe so much going back was an easy decision.   Plus, I wanted to eat at My Place by the Sea, as we weren’t able to get a table on our last visit.  

We parked our car near Front Beach, a small slice of golden sand nestled along the seaside.  Bright colored sun umbrellas dotted the water’s edge, where families were enjoying  the first sunny day in a while. Old timers sat on benches above the beach eating white bread sandwiches soaking in the sun and the idyllic scene unfolded before them.  

We made our way along Bearskin Neck on foot, passing quaint shops, impressive art galleries and tempting restaurants.  The place has the hum of happy contentment, couples hold hands, families pass in beach garb with ice cream cones and friends take note their favorite galleries and chuckle over funny sayings on T-shirts and signs. 

At the very end of Bearskin Neck is what we have come all this way for, a restaurant called My Place By the Sea. It’s in an old house with decks with expansive water views and food to die for.  Roger chose a lobster roll, which was tempting, but I chose the lobster tacos, which turned out to be the house specialty.  The dish had made a huge social media splash the week before when the Phantom Gourmet TV show gave it their seal of approval.  And OMG, I will never be the same again.  The combination of corn tacos, slaw, and lobster drizzled with aioli is divine.  No two ways about it.   

After our lovely lunch, we made our way back to the car dipping in and out of shops that caught our fancy, and taking photos of beautiful moments along the way.  Of importance is Motif # 1, on Bradley Wharf, the most painted and photographed landmark in the area.  On our previous visit, we enjoyed steamed lobsters at Roy Moore’s Fish Shack, then went for home made ice cream after, which allowed us to enjoy our dessert while taking in the glorious scenery and shops.

It was a lovely sunny day, perfect for my white and blue sundress (which you’ve seen before), worn with a white denim jacket as it was just a touch cool.  I also chose an easy pair of tan wedges which proved perfect for the walking we did.  For makeup, I took my Cali Contour palette which I used on both my eyes and cheeks which is ideal for packing and creating easy natural daytime make up looks. 

Our short getaway to Rockport came to it’s end, leaving us with full tummies, smiles and happy memories.  Until next time.