Write your own #TellHisStory post, straight from your heart onto your own blog.
Link up and invite your friends by posting the #TellHisStory badge on your own blog (Find it on the Tell His Story page).
Enter your post each Tuesday at 7:00 AM EST when the link-up opens by clicking the blue linky button. Be sure you link to a specific post, not your entire blog page.
For each link you post, visit one or two neighbors and leave your own encouragement. And, maybe visit other sites as well and leave a little love. Sharing on social media is always appreciated. Use the hashtag #TellHisStory so others can find us.
This linkup is intended to be a place where people can find encouragement and community, rather than having a primary purpose to sell products. Please link posts that focus first on encouraging readers.
Be sure to link back to this page so others can join in the fun!
Though it's certainly not mandatory, we'd appreciate it if you connected with us on other social media sites.