By InLinkz
Now its your turn to link up!
Here are the rules:
Link up any post from the past week that is creatively driven
Somewhere in your post, please link back to my blog
Please visit some of the other blogs and leave a comment or two - an encouraging word means a lot to an artist
Blatant Commercial Posts/Links will be deleted and those posters should be ashamed of themselves
visit link
1. Home From Retreat
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2. Quirks Ltd.
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3. What am I working on...
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4. Gwyned Trefethen's Musings
visit link
5. split nine finish
visit link
6. ✥Lilo x 2
visit link
7. The Houston Int’ Quilt Festival – the experience
visit link
8. October Quilts & A Special Recognition
visit link
9. Art From My Heart
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11. Divide and Quilt
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12. MLS - Pieces of My Life ~ Jacob's Ladder
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13. Notes from Norma
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14. Working on a Lap Quilt